The Promises of Baptism Explored
( Seal Beach ~ Vandenberg AFB CA) We had both of our children baptized, and I have always held to the belief that Baptism was a sacrament not only for adults but for children as well. Recent review – books and videos – of excellent Lutheran ministers helped me understand both what I believed and what I was seeing in my friends. I increasingly understood the arguments of my Baptist (AnaBaptist) friends (to include many “non-denominational” Christians) to be based upon a humanist, rationalist perspective of what Baptism is and what it does – that is, presupposing that all things in the physical, earthly realm were sinful and/or associated with “works” and therefore of no spiritual value. They also unquestioningly tied faith to intellectual assent and understanding; and whether knowingly or not, rejected the theological stance that sin is a condition and not only actions, thereby rejecting the intrinsic sinfulness of every human being including infants....